USEC'07 Accepted Papers
Full Papers
- An Evaluation of Extended Validation and Picture-in-Picture Phishing Attacks, Collin Jackson (Stanford University), Dan Simon (Microsoft Research), Desney Tan (Microsoft Research) and Adam Barth (Stanford University)
- WSKE: Web Server Key Enabled Cookies, Chris Masone, Kwang-Hyun Baek and Sean Smith (Dartmouth College)
- Usability Analysis of Secure Pairing Methods, Ersin Uzun (University of California, Irvine and Nokia Research Center Helsinki), Kristiina Karvonen (Helsinki University of Technology) and N. Asokan (Helsinki University of Technology and Nokia Research Center Helsinki)
- Low-cost Manufacturing, Usability, and Security: An Analysis of Bluetooth Simple Pairing and Wi-Fi Protected Setup, Cynthia Kuo (Carnegie Mellon University), Jesse Walker (Intel Corporation) and Adrian Perrig (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Empirical Studies on Software Notices to Inform Policy Makers and Usability Designers, Jens Grossklags and Nathan Good (University of California, Berkeley)
Work in Progress Abstracts
- Risk Communication in Computer Security Using Mental Models, Debin Liu, Farzaneh Asgharpour and L. Jean Camp (Indiana University-Bloomington)
- Improving Usability by Adding Security to Video Conference Systems, April Slayden Mitchell and Alan H. Karp (Hewlett Packard Laboratories)
- A Sense of Security in Pervasive Computing - is the light on when the refrigerator door is closed?, Jakob Illeborg Pagter and Marianne Graves Petersen (Centre for IT Security, The Alexandra Institute Ltd., Denmark and Dept. of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark)
- What Instills Trust? A Qualitative Study of Phishing, Markus Jakobsson (Indiana University-Bloomington and RavenWhite, Inc.), Alex Tsow, Ankur Shah , Eli Blevis, and Youn-Kyung Lim (Indiana University-Bloomington)
- Phishing IQ Tests Measure Fear, Not Ability, Vivek Anandpara, Andrew Dingman, Markus Jakobsson, Debin Liu, Heather Roinestad (Indiana University-Bloomington)
- Prime III: Where Usable Security and Electronic Voting Meet, Philicity Williams, E. Vincent Cross, II, Idongesit Mkpong-Ruffin, Yolanda McMillian, Kathryn Nobles, Priyanka Gupta and Juan E. Gilbert (Auburn University)
The USEC'07 program will also feature panels and working sessions on related topics. If you would like to make a proposal to organize a workshop session, please contact the Program Chair, Rachna Dhamija (rachna at