USEC'07 is actively seeking workshop sponsors. USEC'07 represents a unique opportunity to present your
company to key decision makers in the field. Attendees come from a
variety of areas including banking, business, and top universities. Sponsorship is available at a number
of levels as listed below.
Silver Sponsors will have their logo prominently displayed on the workshop website and program,
including a display in the conference hall. A small exhibition area
will be available alongside the conference hall where sponsors may set
up a tabletop exhibition booth and offer company and product
literature to attendees. In addition, Silver Sponsors may select two
persons to attend the conference free of charge.
Silver Sponsorship costs $ 5,000.
Gold sponsors will receive all the benefits of Silver Sponsorship and more.
In addition to the benefits listed above, Gold Sponsors may select one of the evening workshop events to be held in their name. The Gold
Sponsor logos will be displayed in the headline on the website, on the
program and in the conference hall. Gold sponsors may send three
attendees to the conference free of charge.
Gold Sponsorship costs $ 9,500.
For more information contact Rachna Dhamija, rachna AT, USEC07 Program Chair.
This workshop is organized in cooperation with the International Financial Cryptography Association.